This syllabus is subject to revision, with notice.



Lori Brungard, Primary Teacher 

Sarah Plumer, Anatomy

Maria Rubinate, Ayurveda

Kaustubha Das, Philosophy                                     




Yoga Mala by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois ($10)

Ashtanga Yoga, Practice and Philosophy by Gregor Maehle ($16)

Yoga, the Art of Adjusting, 2ndEd  by Brian Cooper, PhD ($37)

Trail Guide to the Body by Andrew Biel ($65)

Trail Guide to the Body, Student Workbook, 5thEd, by Andrew Biel

The Language of Yoga by Nicolai Bachman ($18)

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjail by Edwin F. Bryant ($19)

The Bhagavad Gita As it Isby Srila Prabhupada

Prakriti, Your Ayurvedic Constitution by Dr. Robert Svoboda ($13)



The Key Muscles of Yoga: Scientific Keys by Ray Long

The Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Swami Muktibodhananda, Bihar School of Yoga


Learning Objectives:

  • Apply the principles of YS II.46 to achieve steadiness and ease in each pose of the Ashtanga Vinyasa practice to establish a healthy personal practice that includes the ability to analyze breath patterns to effect change, supports and strengthens meditation and chanting practices, and that is in turn supported by a practical application of Ayurvedic principles in lifestyle choices.
  • For all of the asanas of the Ashtanga Primary Series, and basic backbending, knowing:
  • a.   the specific vinyasa and drishtis
  • b.   Sanskrit name and English translation
  • c.   counterposes and sequencing
  • d.   stages to progress to the final pose for beginner thru advanced student
  • e.   correct alignment based on anatomical knowledge
  • f.    physical benefits and contraindications
  • g.   common challenges, verbal corrections and hands-on assists
  • Understanding the fundamental techniques of Ashtanga Yoga and applying them, and fundamental knowledge of anatomy, physiology and biomechanics, to asana
  • Placing Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga in historical and philosophical context, by understanding and chanting Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras with correct Sanskrit pronunciation, and incorporating the philosophical goals of Ashtanga Yoga into the physical practice
  • Applying principles of Ashtanga vinyasa practice to varied populations by knowing the stages to progress to the final pose for beginner thru advanced student and appropriate modifications, and helping other students, in an ethical manner, to find insights through awareness of their own breath in their practice.

COURSE CALENDAR (360 hrs total, 180 contact):


FOR the DURATION OF the COURSE, students will participate in one Led Primary Series or one Mysore Practice class per meeting, for a total of 23 classes:

  • 16.5 contact hrs: Led Primary (1.5hrs x 11 classes) Traditional Ashtanga Led Primary Series counted in Sanskrit, for trainees only, held at the beginning of alternate training days.
  • 18 contact hrs: Mysore(1.5 x 13 classes)
    • Establish a steady, healthy personal Ashtanga Yoga asana practice with the guidance of the lead trainer, that can also be done independently at home, while deepening breath and self-awareness in a quiet, meditative atmosphere.         

MODULE ONE: Anatomy, Ayurveda, Primary Asanas, History/Phil/Ethics Intro


Opening Ceremony: Altar and Mandala making

In this opening ceremony, participants will create an altar using personal mementos, and collaboratively make a flower mandala to honor individuality and create an investment in the group at the start of the training.


Ayurveda:12.5 contact hrs for Tech Training and Practice + 5 non contact hrs homework

  • 11 classroom hrs taught by Maria Rubinate
  • 1.5 hr review taught by Lori Brungard

Anatomy: 18 contact hrsfor Anatomy, Physiology & Biomechanics  + 12 contact hrs homework

10 classroom hrs taught by Dr. Sarah Plumer-Holzman 


  •  #1: Anatomy terminology; Kinesiology; Bones & Joints: Learn anatomical terms & directions; Study the bony structure and motions of the spine, pelvis, hip joints, knee joints, shoulder girdle and shoulder joints through palpating bony landmarks.
  • #2:Muscle Physiology and Function: Overview of muscles involved in asana and their function, with a focus on the spine, shoulder girdle, hip and knee joint
  • #3: Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems: Study the mechanisms of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and how asana practice affects our breathing and circulation, including current research on effects of yoga practice on these systems
  • #4: Nervous System and Brain: Intro to the nervous system and brain, stress response, and current research on the effects of yoga on promoting homeostasis through mind-body connection

8 hours Applied Anatomy in Asana with Lori Brungard (poses grouped by category of Fwd Bend, Side Bends & Twists, deep knee bends: safe practice of half lotus & similar poses, 2.5 hr review) 
12 hours of Anatomy homework outside of class (non-contact, online in future)


Meditation: 7 contact hrs

  • 1.5 hr Mandala meditation
  • 2 hrs Guided breath focused meditation
  • 1.5 hrs Japa meditation
  • 2 hrs Group meditation 

Fundamental Techniques: Breath, Drishti, Bandha: 2.5 contact hrs

  • Ujjayi Pranayama & Principles of Vinyasa, inc Drishti (1.5 hrs)
  • Bandhas: Mula, Uddiyana, & Jalandhara (1 hr)

Primary Series Asana Breakdown: 17 contact hrs

Know the correct, safe way to practice each asana in the Ashtanga Primary Series in terms of specific vinyasa, sequencing in relation to other poses, alignment, modifications and how to progress, physical benefits and contraindications.


History/Phil/Ethics Intro: 5.5 contact hrs

  • 1 hrs Krishnamacharya's Lineage, Intro to 8 Limbs
  • 1 hr YS II.46: Sthira & Sukha as foundational concepts
  • 1.5 hrs Yoga Sutras: 8 limbs/Yamas & Niyamas
  • 2 hrs Ethics of Touch & Relationship

MODULE TWO: Chanting, Philosophy, & Applied Ashtanga (Assists, Teaching Techniques)


Meditation: 7.5 contact hrs Chanting Yoga Sutras

Chant the Yoga Sutras with correct Sanskrit pronunciation in the style of Dr. M.A. Jayashree of the Ananta Research Foundation in Mysore, India


Philosophy: 12 contact hrs, plus 12 non contact hrs homework (reading and reflection)

  • 10 hrs Philosophy with Kaustubha Das 
  • 2 hr review with Lori Brungard
  • 12 hours of Philosophy homework outside of class (non-contact, online in future)

Professional Development: 1.5 contact hrs


Teaching Methodology: 45.5 contact hrs total comprised of 

  • 7.75 hrs giving feedback to students practicing vinyasa count
  • 6.25 hrs giving feedback to students practicing Mysore style assisting
  • 6.25 hrs giving feedback to students practicing Led Primary
  • 4.25 hrs giving feedback to students practicing teaching beginners
  • 2.5 hrs giving feedback to students practicing teaching workshop style for final exam
  • 2.5 hrs: Modifications for pregnancy and other special conditions
  • 1.5 hrs: Classroom management strategies
  • 14.5 hrs: Assists, consisting of 2 hr Intro combines Ethics, Alignment & Anatomy plus 12.5 hrs grouping similar poses ie: Forward Bends, Sidebends, Twists, Challenge Poses, Backbends & Inversions

Practicums: 11 contact hrs, 5.5hrs w student as Lead instructor + 6 hrs exams

  • 1.75 hrs Practice counting vinyasas 
  • 1.25 hrs Practice teach Led Primary 
  • 1.25 hrs Practice teach Mysore 
  • .75 hrs Practice teach beginners  
  • .5 hrs Final Exampractical: breakdown one Suryanamaskar, one standing, and one seated pose

Flower Mala Making & Graduation Puja: 1.5 contact hrs


COURSE ASSIGNMENTS (non contact hours):


I. Log the following (total 88 non-contact hrs): 

1. Personal Ashtanga Yoga practice (or with qualified Mysore teacher) min 2-3 times/week

  • 3 hr/week x 24 weeks = 72 minimum non contact hours

2. Personal Meditation Practice (7.5 non contact hrs)

  • style of students’ choice: Yantra, Mantra/Japa, Breath focused
  • 15 min day, for 30 days = 7.5 hrs

II. Create an asana workbook for Midterm Final Project: (56 non contact hours)

  • with a photo of yourself in each asana, and detailed info on vinyasa, counterpse, contraindications and benefits, alignment & anatomy below 

III. Readings from texts to be assigned by individual instructors & other homework (29 hrs)


IV.Midterm Anatomy & Ayurveda exams


V. Final Exam: Ashtanga system in Philosophical context, Teaching methodology



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